Demo: planning with post-its for branching stories

Here is one way to plan with post-its:

System planning with post-it notes before building in Hive Mechanic.

It can also be useful to plan out the design and structure of games and activities with analog means. Grab some paper or post-it notes and figure out how you want to construct your player’s experience so that you have a blueprint to go off of when you sit down to build the digital system.

Design principle: use a different form for PLANNING versus MAKING. So if you are making interactive slides, write your content with post-its. Or if you are making a game in Hive Mechanic, draw a flow-chart in a design journal.

(As background, there is a regular debate in the game design field about how much value comes from a well-done “game design doc” — but the key point is that planning should happen somewhat separately from the making.)